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UV-Vis Absorption Spectrophotometer

Model: UV-2450

Make: Shimadzu

Instrument: Double Beam

Installed: 2010


Steady-State Fluorescence Spectrometer

Model: FLS920

Make: Edinburgh

Installed: 2012

With 450W Xe lamp and microplate reader


Technical Note:

Time Resolved Fluorescence Spectrometer (TCSPC)

Model: Fluotime 300

Make: Picoquant

Installed: 2014

With 2 Diode lasers: 405 nm and 485 nm


TCPSC technical note link


Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Setup

Model: Custom-made (capable of performing single-molecule based measurements)

Make: Nanonics

Installed: 2013

With Mulitline Ar-ion laser (Modulaser) and two APDs (Excelitas)


Funded by: DST-FIST (SR/FST/CS-1-195/2008)


Lyophilizer (Freeze-dryer)

Model: FD-3

Make:Allied Frost

Installed: 2011


Multichamber Waterbath

Make: Daihan Labtech

Installed: 2012


Ultrasonic Cell Disruption System (Probe Sonicator)

Make: Labtronics

Installed: 2022


Ultrafast Transient Absorption Spectrometer

Funded by: DST-FIST (SR/FST/CS-II-027/2014)

Astrella One-box Amplifier


Vitara-S (VerdiG Pumped) - Integrated inside the Oscillator

Bandwidth: 70 nm

Central Wavelength: 800 nm

Repetition Rate: 80 MHz

Average Power: 400 mW (800 nm)



Astrella One-box Amplifier

Integrated Q-Switched Pump Laser (Revolution 50) with repetition rate upto 10 kHz


Amplifier Specifications:

Central Wavelength: 800 nm

Pulse Duration: Less than 100 fs

Energy: 5 mJ

Repetition Rate: 1 kHz

Average Power: 5 W 



Opera Solo (OPA)

Wavelength: 290 - 2600 nm

Repetition Rate: 1 kHz

Average Power: 5 W 

Helios Fire: Automated Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectrometer

Probe continuum: 350 - 800 nm

Supported Repetition Rate: 10 - 5000 Hz

Automated Alignment of Delay Line

Time window: 8 ns

UV-Vis Detector with CMOS sensor

(Sensor size 1024 pixels; Spectral Response: 200 - 1000 nm) 

Department of Chemistry

IIT Delhi

Hauz Khas

New Delhi-110016

Phone: +911126591501

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